Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NfreedmGeneral FREEDM Namespace
 NbrokerBroker Architecture Namespace
 CCAdapterFactoryHandles the creation of adapters and their associated devices
 CCDeviceDefines the interface used to access physical hardware
 CCDeviceBuilderHandles construction of all device objects used by the DGI
 CBuildVarsStores the variables required to populate the device information map
 CCDeviceManagerThe interface between broker modules and the device architecture
 CCFakeAdapterPhysical adapter device interface that stores settings in itself
 CCMqttAdapterProvides an interface for communicating with an MQTT broker
 CCOpenDssAdapterProvides an interface for communicating with a opendss simulation model
 CCPnpAdapterPNP adapter that maintains a TCP server for a set of plug-and-play devices
 CCRtdsAdapterProvides an interface for communicating with a RTDS simulation model
 CCTcpServerTCP server that handles a single client connection
 CDeviceInfoStores the internal structure of a device object
 CEBadRequestUsed when a device controller sends a bad packet
 CEDgiConfigErrorUsed when the DGI has been misconfigured
 CEDuplicateSessionUsed when the adapter factory already has an open session for a controller
 CIAdapterPhysical adapter device interface
 CIBufferAdapterBuffer adapter device interface
 CGMAgentDeclaration of Garcia-Molina Invitation Leader Election algorithm
 CCBrokerScheduler for the DGI modules
 CCConnectionRepresents a single outgoing connection to a client
 CCConnectionManagerManages open connections so that they may be cleanly stopped
 CCDispatcherHandles applying read handlers to incoming messages
 CCGlobalConfigurationA singleton class which tracks commonly used configuration options
 CCGlobalLoggerTracks the global logging configuration
 CCListenerRepresents a single CListener from a client
 CCLogLogging Output Software
 CCPeerNodeBase interface for agents/broker modules
 CCPhysicalTopologyProvides the Physical Topology Architecture
 CCProtocolSRA reliable connection protocol with sweet as expirations
 CEConnectionErrorUsed for errors communicating with peers
 CEDgiConfigErrorUsed when the DGI has been misconfigured
 CIDGIModuleAn interface for an object which can handle recieving incoming messages
 CIProtocolA connection protocol
 CSRemoteHostA container which lists the hostname and and port of a peer